2024 Events

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Chautauqua's Heart


 The Mosaic Project


If you visited the Hall of Philosophy this past summer, chances are you noticed that the beautiful, old tile mosaics on the floor are showing signs of wear. The mosaics are some of our most treasured keepsakes and they've been a bit neglected over the last few years. The Class of 2000 is spearheading a campaign to repair these works of art, restoring them to their original condition.


Not only is important to restore and care for the mosaics because they are priceless works of art, but also because they have become tripping hazards.  

As of April, we are thrilled to announce that restoration work on the CLSC mosaics in the Hall of Philosophy officially launched. From April 15 to May 15, a talented local artist had begun the diligent restoration process of the mosaics from 1919 and 1920. Check out the before and after below!




The CLSC Class of 2000 is committed to restoring the CLSC mosaics that require repairs. We are immensely grateful for the generous contributions already received for this project. 


We have currently achieved 20% of our fundraising goal for restoring all the mosaics.There are 51 mosaics in the Hall of Philosophy, and 37 of them still require restoration. We estimate that the restoration process will take approximately 5 years to complete. Once the restoration is finished, we will implement a maintenance plan to ensure the mosaics' health is preserved on a yearly basis.


If you would like to contribute, please click here to donate.




Upcoming Mosaic Restoration

Currently on the list to be restored are the following pieces

(Photos are from the archive and do not reflect

the current condition of the mosaics)






History of the Mosaics at the Hall of Philosophy


The original Hall of Philosophy, called the Hall in the Grove, was built in 1879 for the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle (CLSC). Twenty years later, they discovered it needed to be replaced. Green and Wicks, a Buffalo-based architectural firm, were hired to design and oversee the construction of the new hall.

Originally the border of the floor was meant to be a memorial design. When the 14 class presidents met, they changed the design to be a CLSC class border. Classes were encouraged to raise money for the creating of their mosaic. This decision ensured the first 50 classes would have a share to beautifying the Hall of Philosophy and a place where their own individuality could be commemorated. It was suggested each class raise $100 for their mosaic; some classes raised more.


After 1906 the mosaics were laid routinely as classes graduated and raised the funds for the mosaic. Each CLSC class from 1882 to 1929 has a unique mosaic that depicts their class year, name, and logo.Three more mosaics were added in 1966, 1978 and 2000.










Thomas Rowe




Thomas Rowe, President of the Class of 2000, is credited as the founder of The Mosaic Project. He spearheaded the campaign to restore the mosaics, leaving a lasting legacy of artistic and cultural preservation.




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Monday - Friday
12 - 5

12 - 5