2025 Events
Click on the button below to see the full calendar of 2025 Alumni Association Events. Click on an event to see the details of that event.
- Sunday, June 22
- Tuesday, June 24
- Friday, June 27
- Sunday, June 29
- Tuesday, July 1
Hello Classmates! 📚
Welcome to our spot on the Alumni Association's website.
Here are some things happening for us:
Recognition Day 2024

From the left: Susan Wilston, Missy Bolton (our Class Treasurer), Shanna Matson, Val Mittl, Trish Braga (our Class VP), Julia Stein (in back with sunglasses), Joan Vondra (our Class Pres.), Meredith Cohen, & Mary Mitchell.
We are looking forward to having you JOIN US NEXT SUMMER during WEEK 7 (Aug 2-9)
for our 10th Anniversary Party!
We will have a pot-luck lunch party on Thursday, August 7 from 12:30 - 2:00 pm (probably in Alumni Hall - ** Please note that the location is pending approval)
Bring a dish to pass around!
We will provide drinks, cake, and place settings
Look forward to:
- door prizes
- a Famous Literary Quotations quiz
- a Literary Chronology game
- Anniversary cake!
We hope you can make it back to Chautauqua for this!
Hours in Season
Monday - Friday
12 - 5
12 - 5
12 - 5