2025 Events
Click on the button below to see the full calendar of 2025 Alumni Association Events. Click on an event to see the details of that event.
- Sunday, June 22
- Tuesday, June 24
- Friday, June 27
- Sunday, June 29
- Tuesday, July 1
Retirement announcement
8/2/2022 11:59 am
Special Announcement from the CLSC Alumni Association Board:
Announcing the retirement of the following board members at the end of the 2022 season. The Alumni Association would like to thank them for their many years of service:
Dick Karslake President
Don Greenhouse, Treasurer
Gary Dobler, Guild President
Jim Kullberg, Finance Chair
Please come to Alumni Hall at 5:00 pm on August 23rd to celebrate their contributions. Also honored will be Marianne Karslake who started the tradition of the Silent Auction, raising funds for the Alumni Association’s scholarships.
This Interim Board will be voted on
during the annual meeting before the Gala
on Wednesday, August 3 at 5:30, on the lawn of Alumni Hall
President: Pat McDonald
VP of Building and Grounds: Bill Crittenden
Secretary: John Ford
Treasurer: Laura Ryan
Finance Chair: Griff McDonald
Banner Chair: Charlotte Crittenden
President of the Seven Seals: Ellen Chamberlin
Historian: Mary Lee Talbot
Librarian: Donna Dominick
Hours in Season
12 - 5