2025 Events
Click on the button below to see the full calendar of 2025 Alumni Association Events. Click on an event to see the details of that event.
- Sunday, June 22
- Tuesday, June 24
- Friday, June 27
- Sunday, June 29
- Tuesday, July 1
Retirement announcement
8/2/2022 11:59 am
Special Announcement from the CLSC Alumni Association Board:
Announcing the retirement of the following board members at the end of the 2022 season. The Alumni Association would like to thank them for their many years of service:
Dick Karslake President
Don Greenhouse, Treasurer
Gary Dobler, Guild President
Jim Kullberg, Finance Chair
Please come to Alumni Hall at 5:00 pm on August 23rd to celebrate their contributions. Also honored will be Marianne Karslake who started the tradition of the Silent Auction, raising funds for the Alumni Association’s scholarships.
This Interim Board will be voted on
during the annual meeting before the Gala
on Wednesday, August 3 at 5:30, on the lawn of Alumni Hall
President: Pat McDonald
VP of Building and Grounds: Bill Crittenden
Secretary: John Ford
Treasurer: Laura Ryan
Finance Chair: Griff McDonald
Banner Chair: Charlotte Crittenden
President of the Seven Seals: Ellen Chamberlin
Historian: Mary Lee Talbot
Librarian: Donna Dominick
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Recognition Week 2022
7/29/2022 11:17 am
The countdown is on! Recognition Week officially begins in less than 48 hours!
Below is a line-up of the events - places, dates, and times - for your convenience. We look forward to seeing many of you back on the grounds next week as we catch up with old friends and celebrate the Class of 2022.
Sunday, July 31
10:45 am - Amp - Baccalaureate Ceremony
8:00 pm - Amp - Vigil Ceremony and Sacred Song Service
9:00 pm - HOP - Remainder of Vigil Ceremony and Kate Kimball White Gift Presentations
9:30 pm - Alumni Hall - Reception for the Class of 2022
Wednesday, August 3
8:15 am - Hall of Christ - the Class of 2022 gathers
8:45 am - Bestor Plaza - Alumni arrive and gather behind their banners
9:00 am - HOP - Recognition Day Ceremony
12:15 pm - Alumni Hall Lawn - Luncheon for the Class of 2022 and their guests. Tickets for graduates are free. Guest tickets are $15. They can be purchased in advance at the front desk of Alumni Hall.
5:30 pm - Alumni Hall Lawn - Alumni Gala - Light dinner for all alumni. There will be a brief meeting followed by dinner. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased in advance at the front desk of Alumni Hall.
Thursday, August 4
12:15 pm - Ballroom at Alumni Hall - Guild Graduate Luncheon - For alumni who are who are entering the Guild of Seven Seals or moving up a level. Those entering the Guild or moving up a Guild level are free. Guest tickets are $15 and may be purchased in advance at the front desk of Alumni Hall.
Brown Bag 7/20/22
7/19/2022 9:00 pm
Wednesday's Activities
Our Brown Bag event today features Stephine Hunt presenting a discussion on this year's Chautauqua Prize Winner: All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days: The True Story of the American Woman at the Heart of the German Resistance to Hitler by Rebecca Donner. Come hear Stephine introduce and discuss this timely piece of literature.
Jeff Margolis takes us on a trip to New Orleans tonight as we view the National World War II Museum through his eyes. If you can't make it in person, there is a Zoom link below the photo of Jeff that will allow you to watch his presentation live tonight.
Join our Eventide via Zoom:
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GAP and Silent Auction 2022
7/14/2022 1:21 pm
Wednesday, July 13TODAY
7/13/2022 10:16 am
TODAY AT 12:15!
TONIGHT AT 6:30! The Eventide is also available via Zoom. See details below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 9452 4034
Passcode: 745354
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Week 3 Coming Up!
7/10/2022 5:43 pm
It is hard to believe we are entering Week 3 of the 2022 season already!
We have been enjoying spectacular weather on the grounds this summer. A farmer friend of mine said today, "We need the rain, but these are good haying days!" He is right. And here at CHQ, sunny days are the best!
During Week 2, I actually made myself take a break and attend a morning lecture. Brandon Stanton, the author of Humans of New York, spoke on Friday. I have followed him on FaceBook over the years and his stories are captivating, heartwarming, and sometimes, tragic. But he brings people together from all over the world and show us what humanity is really all about. His philosophy is: Belief and opinion divide us. Struggling and emotions unite us. He knows how to get a story out of folks. If you are not familiar with his work, take some time to stop over and visit his page here.
Our CLSC speaker last week was Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass. Sitting on the steps of Alumni Hall and listening to her talk about what our relationship with the earth should be and all that we can learn from it was fascinating. It was one of those moments I wanted to linger in - soaking up sun and wisdom.
This coming week will be a busy one. We are welcoming two of our scholarship recipients to the grounds as they begin their writing classes. There is nothing like actually sitting in the room with your instructor and fellow writers and I'm sure they are looking forward to being on the grounds.
The theme this week is "The Future of Human Rights" and CLSC author Erica Chenoweth will be presenting a discussion on her book Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know. I can't wait to hear her!
Welling Hall will be discussing Blind Spots, Experiments in the Self Cure of Race Prejudice by Henry Smith Leiper in our Brown Bag event this week. That's Wednesday at 12:15 on the porch. Also, on Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the Hall of Christ, Arden Ryan will share his stories from his gap year of traveling. Teaching English in Guatemala, India, Viet Nam, and Thailand sounds like a wonderful topic. We hope you'll join us.
And finally next Sunday holds two of our biggest events of the year - the Great American Picnic and the Silent Auction!!! The picnic will be on the lawn of Alumni Hall - food, games, and music are in store. The auction is in Seaver Gymnasium - just a few steps down the hill from here. Both start at noon - the picnic ends at 2:30, the auction at 4:00.
Come and support your Alumni Association this week!
Read MoreHours in Season
12 - 5